Özbilgin, Mustafa

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Özbilgin, Mustafa

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Now showing 1 - 10 of 19
  • Placeholder
    Duality of language as a tool for integration versus mobility at work: utility of a polyphonic perspective
    (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2023) Erbil, Cihat; Baglama, Sercan Hamza; Department of Business Administration; Department of Business Administration; Özbilgin, Mustafa; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics
  • Placeholder
    Scientism as illusio in HR algorithms: towards a framework for algorithmic hygiene for bias proofing
    (Wiley, 2024) Vassilopoulou, Joana; Kyriakidou, Olivia; Groutsis, Dimitria; Department of Business Administration; Department of Business Administration; Özbilgin, Mustafa;  ; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics;  
    Human Resource (HR) algorithms are now widely used for decision making in the field of HR. In this paper, we examine how biases may become entrenched in HR algorithms, which are often designed without consultation with HR specialists, assumed to operate with scientific objectivity and often viewed as instruments beyond scrutiny. Using three orienting concepts such as scientism, illusio and rationales, we demonstrate why and how biases of HR algorithms go unchecked and in turn may perpetuate the biases in HR systems and consequent HR decisions. Based on a narrative review, we examine bias in HR algorithms;provide a methodology for algorithmic hygiene for HR professionals. © 2022 The Authors. Human Resource Management Journal published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • Placeholder
    Diversity: a key idea for business and society
    (Taylor and Francis, 2023) Department of Business Administration; Department of Business Administration; Özbilgin, Mustafa; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics
    Diversity: A Key Idea for Business and Society introduces an idea that proliferates business and society, having been incorporated into mainstream theory and practice. Beyond this multidisciplinary setting, how diversity is defined, framed, managed and regulated is also exposed to considerable social, economic, political and ideological interpretation and manipulation. This volume explores definitions of diversity, its various manifestations and interdisciplinary infuences that shape how diversity is researched. The text turns to workforce diversity as a particular case of diversity and explores antecedents, correlates and consequences of workforce diversity. The author considers power, inequality and intersectionality to illuminate the subject from the key manifestations, including class, gender, ethnicity, sexuality and disability. With insights from an array of felds from economics, through management to biology, the author also highlights the various cases against diversity alongside analysis of how to navigate the diversity jungle in practice. This concise, authoritative book will be essential reading for students, researchers and refective practitioners interested in workforce diversity as well as unique supplementary reading across the social sciences. © 2024 Mustafa F. Özbilgin.
  • Placeholder
    A bourdieuan relational perspective for entrepreneurship research
    (Wiley, 2014) Tatli, Ahu; Vassilopoulou, Joana; Forson, Cynthia; Slutskaya, Natasha; Department of Business Administration; Department of Business Administration; Özbilgin, Mustafa; Other; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; N/A
    In this paper, we illustrate the possibilities a relational perspective offers for overcoming the dominant dichotomies (e.g., qualitative versus quantitative, agency versus structure) that exist in the study of entrepreneurial phenomena. Relational perspective is an approach to research that allows the exploration of a phenomenon, such as entrepreneurship, as irreducibly interconnected sets of relationships. We demonstrate how Pierre Bourdieu's concepts may be mobilized to offer an exemplary toolkit for a relational perspective in entrepreneurship research.
  • Placeholder
    Open access the wrong response to a complex question: the case of the finch report
    (Wiley, 2013) Baruch, Yehuda; Ghobadian, Abby; Department of Business Administration; Department of Business Administration; Özbilgin, Mustafa; Other; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; N/A
  • Placeholder
    Multi-level approaches to entrepreneurship and small business research - transcending dichotomies with Bourdieu
    (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014) Forson, Cynthia; Öztürk, Mustafa Bilgehan; Tatli, Ahu; Department of Business Administration; Department of Business Administration; Özbilgin, Mustafa; Other; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; N/A
    Entrepreneurship and small business (ESB) research has achieved a level of maturity which now presents a complex mixture in terms of the levels of analysis. As a result of these developments, the research on small business and entrepreneurship has a number of distinct traditions, which somehow remain in silos. In this chapter, we argue that this field of academic endeavour would benefit from a more integrated approach. We first identify the key approaches in ESB research in terms of the levels of analysis. Next, adopting a Bourdieuan perspective, we offer viable strategies for transcending contemporary dichotomies of ESB research, and offer a novel way of approaching multi-level ESB research.
  • Placeholder
    International labour relations
    (Cambridge Univ Press, 2014) N/A; Department of Business Administration; Department of Business Administration; Özbilgin, Mustafa; Other; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; N/A
  • Placeholder
    Four approaches to accounting for diversity in global organisations
    (Elsevier, 2016) Tatli, Ahu; Ipek, Gulce; Sameer, Mohammad; Department of Business Administration; Department of Business Administration; Özbilgin, Mustafa; Other; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; N/A
    This paper examines four distinct approaches to accounting for diversity outcomes in global organisations: shareholder, stakeholder, regulation and global value chain. Drawing on a study of 22 globally significant organisations, our analyses show that there is a need to move beyond narrow framing of benefits of diversity management based on shareholder and stakeholder perspectives. Our study demonstrates that regulation as well as global value chain is pertinent new perspectives that organisations need to move towards if they are to seriously account for diversity outcomes. Yet, our study shows that such a development is not likely to happen easily due to a number of significant challenges in accounting for diversity outcomes in global organisations.
  • Placeholder
    Gender as symbolic capital and violence: the case of corporate elites in Turkey
    (Wiley, 2016) Yamak, Sibel; Ergur, Ali; Alakavuklar, Ozan Nadir; Department of Business Administration; Department of Business Administration; Özbilgin, Mustafa; Other; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; N/A
    Based on a Bourdieusian approach, drawing on qualitative analyses of 63 life interviews, our study demonstrates that gender is performed as both symbolic capital and violence by corporate elites within the dominant ideologies of patriarchy and family in Turkey. Our analysis reveals that, in the male-dominated context of Turkey, female elites appear to favour male alliances as a tactical move in order to acquire and maintain status in their organizations, whereas male elites appear to remain blind to the privileges and constraints of their own gendered experience of symbolic capital and violence. Our study also illustrates that gender order is still preserved, despite beliefs to the contrary that equality in education, skills, experience and job performance may liberate women and men from gender-based outcomes at work.
  • Placeholder
    International human resource management
    (Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2019) Groutsis, Dimitria; Harvey, William S.; Department of Business Administration; Department of Business Administration; Özbilgin, Mustafa; Other; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; N/A
    International Human Resource Management offers a contemporary and multilayered introduction to international and comparative human resource management for university study. It critically analyses the core issues and emerging trends in the field, with a consistent emphasis on real-world scenarios and concerns. At the macro level, the book examines how IHRM fits within and adapts to the ever-changing environment of international relations and global development. At the firm level, it elucidates the strategic goals served by IHRM and the processes used to achieve them. At the individual level, the analysis extends beyond the traditional focus on expatriates to encompass the various IHRM actors and their motivations. Each chapter features a case study, tutorial activities and discussion questions. The book concludes with three extended case studies, each based on a specific region, to help students consolidate their understanding.