Gençtürk, Esra

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Faculty Member

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Gençtürk, Esra
Gençtürk, Feride Esra

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Search Results

Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
  • Placeholder
    Strategic context of organizational market information processes within the multinational corporation
    (amer Marketing assoc, 1996) Department of Business Administration; N/A; Department of Business Administration; Gençtürk, Esra; Faculty Member; N/A; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; N/A; N/A; N/A
  • Placeholder
    International principal-agent relationships: control, governance and performance
    (Elsevier, 2000) Aulakh, Preet S; Department of Business Administration; Department of Business Administration; Gençtürk, Esra; Faculty Member; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 107322
    This article builds upon and extends previous control research by examining the effect of different control mechanisms on behavioral and economic performance in international principal-agent relationships. To this end, a contingency model is advanced and tested that explores the role governance structure plays in influencing the performance effects of different control mechanisms, as perceived by the principal. Empirical results based on a sample of U.S. firms support the proposed contingency model and highlight the value of process and social controls as mechanisms for monitoring nonintegrated exchanges with autonomous agents. Theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are discussed along with suggestions for future research. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Placeholder
    Contract formalization and governance of exporter-importer relationships
    (Wiley, 2008) Aulakh, Preet S.; Department of Business Administration; Department of Business Administration; Gençtürk, Esra; Faculty Member; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 107322
    Exporting relationships between manufacturers and foreign importers pose unique coordination problems because, on the one hand, transactions are recurrent and both firms make non-trivial relationship-specific investments, but at the same time, the exchange partners maintain separate legal entities with individual profit claims. This study examines the role of contracts as a governance mechanism in these relationships that are neither market-based discrete transactions, nor can be governed through ownership-based hierarchies. Drawing upon recent research on contract law and interorganizational relationships, we develop and empirically test a model that incorporates both the antecedents and performance implications of the nature of contract governing exporter-importer relationships.
  • Placeholder
    Foreign market entry modes: a sequentially embedded decision approach
    (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2003) Department of Business Administration; Department of Business Administration; Gençtürk, Esra; Faculty Member; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; N/A
  • Placeholder
    An empirical investigation of the relationship between task integration, effort allocation, control and governance mode of foreign operations
    (Amer Marketing Assoc, 2000) Department of Business Administration; N/A; Department of Business Administration; Gençtürk, Esra; Faculty Member; N/A; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; N/A; 107322; N/A
    Control of foreign marketing activities is a serious challenge for marketing managers involving both gaining control over independent distributors as well as the division of control between home and foreign office managers. Existing research has mostly assumed that high equity modes provide greater control for the organization compared to the use of nonequity modes. In this study, we suggest that home office control of marketing tasks is influenced not only by entry mode but also by task characteristics. More specifically, this study provides a preliminary empirical assessment of how home office control of marketing tasks in foreign markets varies over alternative modes of entry, different marketing tasks performed, and in relation to different levels of home office managerial time and effort dedicated to monitoring such tasks.
  • Placeholder
    A resource-based model of market learning in the subsidiary: the capabilities of exploration and exploitation
    (Sage Publications Inc, 2003) N/A; Department of Business Administration; Department of Business Administration; Department of Business Administration; Tunalı, Ayşegül Özsomer; Gençtürk, Esra; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 108158; 107322
    The literature reflects remarkably little effort to develop a framework for understanding market learning at subsidiaries Of multinational corporations. This article develops a model that incorporates exploratory and exploitative learning as two capabilities that need to be effectively nurtured and managed in subsidiaries. The authors integrate the organizational-learning and resource-based view of the firm; present field interviews with managers; and Propose that resources derived from the parent, the subsidiary, and the parent-subsidiary relationships are related to the creation of new knowledge and the use of existing knowledge in subsidiaries. The authors develop research propositions that capture the differential impacts of each learning capability on subsidiary performance. It is suggested that the turbulence of subsidiary markets moderates the strength of the relationships between market-learning capabilities and performance.
  • Placeholder
    Norms- and control-based governance of international manufacturer- distributor relational exchanges
    (American Marketing Association, 2007) Aulakh, Preet S.; Department of Business Administration; Department of Business Administration; Gençtürk, Esra; Faculty Member; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; N/A
    This study contributes to an understanding of plural forms of governance by integrating research on norms-based and control-based mechanisms in managing interorganizational relationships. The authors develop a model of structural antecedents and performance consequences of these two distinct governance forms. Based on data from 129 relationships between U.S. manufacturers and foreign-based independent distributors, the empirical results show a differential effect of relationship structures on the use of control-based and norms-based governance. Furthermore, the results show that these governance forms have distinct performance implications, and the nature of their influence on the effectiveness of the relationship varies by the environmental uncertainty in the foreign markets. © 2007, American Marketing Association.