Publication: Video-assisted thoracoscopic pleurectomy in spontaneous pneumothorax surgery
KU Authors
Dadaş, Erdoğan
Özkan, Berker
Sabuncu, Timuçin
Tanju, Serhan
Toker, Alper
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OBJECTIVES: Published experiences with thoracoscopic apical or total pleurectomy for patients with a pneumothorax are limited. We aimed to evaluate the long-term results and effectiveness of pleurectomy in our patients, that vast majority of whom underwent thoracoscopic apical or total pleurectomy. MATERIAL and METHODS: Between January 2001 and December 2010, in the Istanbul University Medical School Department of Thoracic Surgery, 67 patients, consisting of 52 patients with a primary spontaneous pneumothorax and 15 with a secondary spontaneous pneumothorax who underwent 72 processes of thoracoscopic resection of blebs or bullae and pleural symphysis, consisting of 43% total pleurectomy, 42% apical pleurectomy plus pleural abrasion, and 15% non-pleurectomy pleurodesis procedures due to prolonged air leak or recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax, were analyzed retrospectively. The applied pleural procedures were: 1. total pleurectomy 2. apical pleurectomy and pleural abrasion for the remaining parts and 3. non-pleurectomy pleurodesis procedures. The long-term outcomes of patients undergoing the three different pleural procedures were compared. RESULTS: Total pleurectomy process, apical pleurectomy and abrasion process for remaining parietal pleura, and non-pleurectomy pleurodesis procedures were performed 31, 30, and 11 times, respectively. No recurrence was observed in the total pleurectomy group, 1 recurrence was observed for the apical pleurectomy plus pleural abrasion group, and 2 recurrences were observed for the non-pleurectomy group. CONCLUSION: Video-assisted thoracoscopic pleurectomy is a safe and effective method in spontaneous pneumothorax surgery. Especially, total pleurectomy has efficient results in the prevention of recurrences.
Turkish Thoracic Journal
Respiratory system