Publication: Predictors of long-term mortality and frequent re-hospitalization in patients with acute decompensated heart failure and kidney dysfunction treated with renin-angiotensin system blockers
KU Authors
Baydemir, Canan
Karaüzüm, Kurtuluş
Balcı, Sibel
Argan, Onur
Karaüzüm, İrem
Kozdağ, Güliz
Ağır, Ayşen A.
Publication Date
Journal Article
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Background: Assessment of risk for all-cause mortality and re-hospitalization is an important task during discharge of acute heart failure (AHF) patients, as they warrant different management strategies. Treatment with optimal medical therapy may change predictors for these 2 end-points in AHF patients with renal dysfunction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the predictors for long-term outcome in AHF patients with kidney dysfunction who were discharged on optimal medical therapy. Material/Methods: The study was conducted retrospectively. The study group consisted of 225 AHF patients with moderate-to-severe kidney dysfunction, who were hospitalized at Kocaeli University Hospital Cardiology Clinic and who were prescribed beta-blockers and ACE-inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers at discharge. Clinical, echocardiographic, and biochemical predictors of the composite of total mortality and frequent re-hospitalization (3 3 hospitalizations during the follow-up) were assessed using Cox regression and the predictors for each end-point were assessed by competing risk regression analysis. Results: Incidence of all-cause mortality was 45.3% and frequent readmissions were 49.8% in a median follow-up of 54 months. The associates of the composite end-point were age, NYHA class, respiration rate on admission, eGFR, hypoalbuminemia, mitral valve E/E' ratio, and ejection fraction. In competing risk regression analysis, right-sided HF, hypoalbuminemia, age, and uric acid appeared as independent associates of all-cause mortality, whereas NYHA class, NT-proBNP, mitral valve E/E' ratio, and uric acid were predictors for re-hospitalization. Conclusions: Predictors for all-cause mortality in AHF with kidney dysfunction treated with optimal therapy are mainly related to advanced HF with right-sided dysfunction, whereas frequent re-hospitalization is associated with volume overload manifested by increased mitral E/E' ratio and NT-proBNP levels.
Medical Science Monitor
International Scientific Information, Inc.
Medicine, Medicine, experimental