Publication: Performance of CT in the locoregional staging of colon cancer: detailed radiology-pathology correlation with special emphasis on tumor deposits, extramural venous invasion and T staging
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Purpose To investigate the performance of computed tomography (CT) in the local staging of colon cancer in different segments, with emphasis on parameters that have been found to be significant for rectal cancer, namely, extramural venous invasion (EMVI) and tumor deposits (TDs). Methods CT and pathology data from 137 patients were independently reviewed by radiology and pathology teams. The performance of CT in categorizing a given patient into good, versus poor prognostic groups was assessed for each segment, as well as the presence of lymph nodes (LNs), TDs and EMVIs. Discordant cases were re-evaluated to determine potential sources of error. Elastic stain was applied for EMVI discordance. Results The T staging accuracy was 80.2%. For T stage stratification, CT performed slightly better in the left colon, and the lowest accuracy was in the transverse colon. Under-staging was more common (in 12.4%), and most of the mis-staged cases were in sigmoid colon. According to the first comprehensive correlative analysis, the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of CT for detecting TDs were found to be 57.9%, 92.4%, 87.6%, respectively. These figures were 44.7%, 72.7%, and 63.5% for LN, and 58.5%, 82.1% and 73% for EMVI. The detection rate was better for multifocal EMVI. The detection rate was also comparable (although substantially underestimated) for LNs, with the half of the LNs missed by CT being < 5 mm. Four patients that were classified as TD by CT, disclosed to be LNs by pathology. Correlative analysis led to refinement of the pathology criteria, with subsequent modifications of the initial reports in 13 (9.5%) patients. Conclusion Overall, CT performed well in the evaluation of colon cancer, as did TD and EMVI. It is advisable to include these parameters in CT-based staging. Radiologists should be aware of the pitfalls that occur more commonly in different segments.
Abdominal Radiology
Radiology, Nuclear medicine, Medical imaging