Publication: Exploring the role of Mo and Mn in Improving the OER and HER performance of CoCuFeNi-Based high-entropy alloys
KU Authors
Igarashi, Keisuke
Matsumoto, Hiroaki
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High-entropy alloys (HEAs) are a class of metallic materials composed of solid solutions of five or more elements in equi- or near-equiatomic proportions. The fascinating properties of HEAs have recently attracted considerable attention for water-splitting applications. Mechanical alloying (MA) is a method for preparing HEAs that results in crystalline, homogeneous materials at room temperature. In this work, several CoCuFeNi-based HEAs were prepared through MA and evaluated as electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER), hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), and overall water splitting in 1 M KOH. The results showed that CoCuFeNiMnMo1.5 with the highest amount of molybdenum exhibited the best OER performance (375 +/- 15 mV at the current density of 10 mA cm(-2)), and CoCuFeNiMnMo0.5 with the lowest amount of molybdenum exhibited the best HER activity with lower overpotentials (275 +/- 12 mV at the current density of 10 mA cm(-2)) and over 72 h of stability. The assembled CoCuFeNiMnMo1.5 (anode)parallel to CoCuFeNiMnMo0.5 (cathode) couple required 1.76 V to produce 10 mA cm(-2), and the Faradaic efficiency for generated H-2 was determined to be more than 80%.
ACS Applied Energy Materials
Amer Chemical Soc
Chemistry, Energy and fuels, Materials science