Publication: Motor afferents from the cerebellum, zona incerta and substantia nigra to the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus in the rat
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The mediodorsal (MD) thalamic nucleus provides information from subcortical structures to the prefrontal cortex. The human MD thalamic nucleus has been implicated in a great variety of different clinical conditions and normal functions ranging from schizophrenia, ParkinsÖnişm and epilepsy to many cognitive functions. In the rat the MD thalamic nucleus is divided into three cytoarchitectonic sectors whereas in the primates it is divided into two; medial one-third (magnocellular) and lateral two-thirds further the lateral sector is divided into pars parvocellularis pars multiformis, pars fasciculosa and pars caudalis. In this study we used a retrograde tracer, fluoro-gold (FG) to evaluate some of the afferents reaching the lateral sector of the MD (MDl) thalamic nucleus. The results of the present study have shown that MDl receives afferent connections from the lateral cerebellar nucleus (dentate nucleus), substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNR) and zona incerta (ZI). Subsequent to FG injections into the MDl, labeled cells were observed mainly bilaterally but were sparser on the contralateral side than ipsilaterally from each of the three structures listed. All three afferents showed a topographical organization. The labeled neurons were localized at the dorsomedial aspect of the lateral cerebellar nucleus, the dorsoventral aspect of the SNR and in the dorsal sector of the ZI. The lateral cerebellar nucleus reached the MDl via the superior cerebellar peduncle. No other deep cerebellar nuclei showed labeled cells. There were no labeled cells in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNC). Although the three regions identified here are recognized as having motor functions, the connections to MD suggest that their outputs also play a role in cognitive or other higher cortical functions.
Journal Of Integrative Neuroscience
Imr Press