Templated synthesis of exfoliated porous carbon with dominant graphitic nitrogen
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Doustkhah, Esmail
Kaya, Sarp
Tafazoli, Saeede
Balkan, Timuçin
Kotb, Ahmed
Hanaor, Dorian A. H.
Assadi, M. Hussein N.
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American Chemical Society
We present here a new approach for the synthesis of nitrogen -doped porous graphitic carbon (g-NC) with a stoichiometry of C6.3H3.6N1.0O1.2, using layered silicate as a hard sacrificial template. Autogenous exfoliation is achieved due to the heterostacking of 2D silicate and nitrogen -doped carbon layers. Micro-and meso-porosity is induced by melamine and cetyltrimethylammonium (C16TMA). Our density functional calculations and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) observations confirm that the most dominant nitrogen configuration in g-CN is graphitic, while pyridinic and pyrrolic nitrogens are thermodynamically less favored. Our large-scale lattice dynamics calculations show that surface termination with H and OH groups at pores accounts for the observed H and O in the composition of the synthesized g-NC. We further evaluate the electrocatalytic and the supercapacitance activities of g-NC. Interestingly, this material exhibits a specific capacitance of ca. 202 F g-1 at 1 A g-1, retaining 90% of its initial capacitance after 10,000 cycles.
Chemistry, physical, Materials science, multidisciplinary